Thursday, February 2, 2012

Winter blahs

So I have the winter blahs, a baby who thinks sleeping is for the birds and a life so busy I feel like a hamster in a wheel. Love it though !

I bought myself a new treat, as I do most winters. It's a Baby Jogger City Mini in limited edition Fushia and Black. The baby is 17 months old today ! I think it will be a great fit for us.

I told the Raspberry Triumph. It drove me NUTS. The straps were not giving at all, the seat was weird, the wheels left marks on the hood. BLAH at that stroller. I will never buy another Maclaren. unless I get a bed of roses or the spitfire version for cheap :)

So we have
2010 Uppa Baby Visa in Denny (red)
Mountain Buggy Urban Single (will never sell)
Peg Perego P3 Compact (purple - this one might go)
Bertini Steerable Pram
BJCM - fushia (on it's way)
Maclaren Volo in majenta

I think I could do without the Vista but I am having a hard time letting it go. I think we could do without the P3 as well as soon as the BJCM gets here I will have to compare function etc to see if they are too similiar to keep both.

Happy Strolling !