Sunday, April 27, 2008

Frog and Mountain Buggy


Omg. what have I done ?

Actually I have a BEE on the way :) I am so excited !

When I get it I will post pics (of course)

Spring LineUp So far

- Rose Pliko Lite
- Maclaren Quest in Pink circles
- Peg Perego 4 wheeler (big fixed wheels/reversible seat)
- Maclaren Honey Bee
- Maclaren Volo
(Aerik and Avas strollers from their countries)

I think the next to go will be the Quest. The HoneyBee will become the cottage stroller (no point in selling it I love it and wouldnt get anything for it). I am in love again with the Pliko Lite (got it fixed) and the Volo is for when she is older.